Table of Contents
5 min readNov 18, 2021
All about my game developing journey.
How To Git in Unity
- Part 1: Installation
- Part 2: Creating remote
- Part 3: Fixing issue of branch main
- Part 4: Branches switching & merging
- Part 5: Recovering from branch log
Game Dev Series- 2D Space Shooter Game:
Basic function of Unity
- Part 1: Unity Installation & interface intro
- Part 2: Make an Efficient Layout
- Part 3: Variables in Unity
- Part 4: Benefit of using pseudo code
- Part 5: Physics in Unity
- Part 6: Collision & trigger collision
Creating prototype
- Part 1: Player movement in 3D environment
- Part 2: Instantiate & Destroy
- Part 3: Cool down system
- Part 4: Communication between scripts
- Part 5: Using Coroutine
- Part 6: Tidy up spawned gameobjects with set parent
- Part 7: From prototype to work of art
- Part 8: Benefit of creating game with prototype
Adding UI & features
- Part 1: Adding a powerup
- Part 2: Making animation with sprites
- Part 3: Setting the time limit to powerup
- Part 4: Creating powerup modular system
- Part 5: Upgrading modular from if-statement to switch-statement
- Part 6: Creating UI
- Part 7: Game reload function
- Part 8: Retro game over screen
- Part 9: Pressing ESC to quit
Special effects & SFX
- Part 1: Enemy explosion effect
- Part 2: Player damage animation
- Part 3: Using Post Processing in Unity
- Part 4: Introducing some good effects of Post Processing
- Part 5: Background music
- Part 6: Sound effect of special effects
- Part 7: Camera shake effect
Building & testing
- Part 1: Building a game for Windows
- Part 2: Hosting a game on
Extra features
- Part 1: Thruster
- Part 2: 3 level shield
- Part 3: Limited ammo
- Part 4: Ammo powerup
- Part 5: Repair poweurp
- Part 6: Rechargeable thruster
- Part 7: Secondary weapon powerup
- Part 8: Maximum ammo limit
- Part 9: Waves of enemy
- Part 10: Negative powerup
- Part 11: Balancing powerup spawning rule
- Part 12: Powerup magnet
- Part 13: Firing missile
Enemy behavior
- Part 1: Special enemy movement
- Part 2: Special enemy
- Part 3: Randomly enemy shield
- Part 4: Aggressive enemy
- Part 5: Powerup detecting system of enemy
- Part 6: Laser dodging behavior
- Part 7: Boss movement
- Part 8: Boss attacking method
- Part 9: Boss health & final wave
Game Dev Series- Cinematic Style Stealth Game:
3D environment setting
- Part 1: Quick intro of Unity 3D environment & lightening
- Part 2: Using skybox
- Part 3: Using light probe group
- Part 4: Create glass material
- Part 5: Gameobject reflection in Unity
Creating cinematic Timeline
- Part 1: Quick guide of Unity Timeline
- Part 2: Building cutscene with storyboard
- Part 3: Mix elements into cutscene
- Part 4: Dolly track
- Part 5: Animate gameobject in Timeline
- Part 6: Combining audio and VFX
Unity AI
- Part 1: Controlling Player with mouse click
- Part 2: Nav Mesh (Agent)
- Part 3: Modular waypoint system
- Part 4: Eyes of AI enemy
3D interactive
- Part 1: State of animation in Animator
- Part 2: Coin distraction of Player
- Part 3: Security cameras
- Part 4: Triggered a cutscene during game
Core function & UI
- Part 1: Manager classes
- Part 2: Singleton game design pattern
- Part 3: Loading screen
Game Dev Series- 3D Platformer Game:
Basic actions
- Part 1: Physics based character controller
- Part 2: Double jump
- Part 3: Collectable objects
- Part 4: Moving platform
- Part 5: Damage & respawn
- Part 6: Elevator & calling panel
- Part 7: Wall jumping
- Part 8: Pushing objects
Upgrade assets
- Part 1: Upgrading to URP project
- Part 2: Using Filebase from GameDevHQ
Ledge grabbing action
- Part 1: Animation flow
- Part 2: Ledge grabbing animation
- Part 3: Climbing up animation
- Part 4: Bundle the platform with ledge checking system
- Part 5: Following camera
Advance actions
- Part 1: Elevator 2.0
- Part 2: Rotating coin
- Part 3: Climbable ladder
- Part 4: Roll over obstacles
Game Dev Series- 2D Mobile Game:
2D environment & system
- Part 1: Creating 2D mobile game project
- Part 2: Map editor- Tilemap
- Part 3: Animated tiles
- Part 4: Using raycasthit on specific layer
- Part 5: Following camera with Cinemachine
- Part 6: Check the Animator state
- Part 7: Start game with Scene Manager
- Part 8: Audio Manager
- Part 9: Game opening
- Part 10: Publish to Google Play
- Part 11: Link to your game page
Inheritance in Unity
- Part 1: Inheritance from core system
- Part 2: Interface from Unity
- Part 3: Abstract classes & interface
Player & enemy behavior
- Part 1: Hitbox attacking system
- Part 2: Collision layer
- Part 3: Loot system
- Part 4: Cross platform control system
- Part 5: Enemies turning system
- Part 6: Aggressive enemies
- Part 7: Create sound of footstep
Shop system
- Part 1: OnClick event in shop system
- Part 2: Using Unity Ads
- Part 3: Shop system with Game Manager
Game Dev Series- 3rd Person Shooter:
Core system
- Part 1: Local space & world space
- Part 2: Camera controlling system
- Part 3: Shooting with crosshair
- Part 4: Modular health system- Pt.1
- Part 5: Modular health system- Pt.2
- Part 6: Hit effect on enemy
- Part 7: Rotating in World Space
- Part 8: Upgrade ammo display
- Part 9: Door switch modular
Character behavior
- Part 1: Player chasing system
- Part 2: Holding weapon with IK- Pt.1
- Part 3: Holding weapon with IK- Pt.2
- Part 4: Backward walking animation
- Part 5: Behavior state by using enum
- Part 6: Gun shot detected
Game Dev Series-
General function
Game Design Pattern
C# Skill in Unity
- Memorize WaitForSeconds
- Static types- Pt.1
- Static types- Pt.2
- Properties
- Namespace
- List
- List & array
- Dictionary
- Generic interface
- Delegate- Pt.1
- Delegate- Pt.2
- Delegate- Pt.3
- LINQ- searching in program- Pt.1
- LINQ- Searching in program- Pt.2
App Dev Series
Insurance App- AWS Services demonstrate
- Part 1: Enable AWS to Unity project
- Part 2: Creating app UI
- Part 3: Input field of UI
- Part 4: Fetch Google Map Service- Pt.1
- Part 5: Fetch Google Map Service- Pt.2
- Part 6: Take a photo in app
- Part 7: Data communication with AWS- Pt.1
- Part 8: Data communication with AWS- Pt.2
- Part 9: Data communication with AWS- Pt.3
- Part 10: Data communication with AWS- Pt.4
- Part 11: Data communication with AWS- Pt.5
- Part 12: Search callback system
- Part 13: Turning photo into byte array
Zoo App- Scriptable object
- Part 1: Scriptable objects
- Part 2: Analytics custom events
Horse Anatomy App- AR app
- Part 1: Setting Vuforia engine
- Part 2: Using integer as Animator parameter
- Part 3: Draw a line in AR
- Part 4: Asset Bundle- Pt.1
- Part 5: Asset Bundle- Pt.2
Game Dev Series- Beautiful Game with URP & HDRP
Creating 3D scene in Unity
- Part 1: Shortcuts of creating 3D scene
- Part 2: Creating control room- Pt.1
- Part 3: Creating control room- Pt.2
Universal Render Pipeline
- Part 1: Install URP
- Part 2: Add skybox
- Part 3: Different light in Unity
- Part 4: Adding post processing
- Part 5: Reflection probe in URP
- Part 6: Occlusion Culling
Adjusting material of objects
- Part 1: Adding emission to texture
- Part 2: Locate emission area from Blender
- Part 3: Alter your texture map
High-Definition Render Pipeline
- Part 1: Introducing HDRP
- Part 2: Using height maps and pixel displacement
- Part 3: Tessellation in HDRP
- Part 4: Decals in HDRP