Getting Started with Unity- Game Dev Series 01

S.J. Jason Liu
4 min readApr 26, 2021


First step to Unity is to understand the interface.

First, we need to download the latest Unity Hub at or you can download it Here.

Click Download Unity Hub and install it.

Then open the Unity Hub. At the first time to use, you will need to locate a path to install Editor. Once done, you can open the main menu of Unity Hub.

Now we need to install an Editor by clicking the install tab on the left, and click ADD on the top right.

Choose the version you need and check if you need the modules or not, click done and it will automatically install.

To start creating a game, we need to create a project first. After you create a new repository for your project, we can create a new project from Unity Hub.

By click the drop down button besides NEW, you can choose the Editor you want and create a new project.

Then we’ll see the basic editor of Unity.

I’ve changed my theme to dark theme. You can change your theme by the following steps:

1. Find out Edit the drop menu at the top of editor.

2. Select Preferences.

3. Select General tab on the left.

4. Inside General, go to Editor Theme

5. Select Dark.

How to switch to dark theme

With the basic interface of Unity, you’ll see some windows by default layout:

Hierarchy: It contains all the objects within this current scene, and you can select the object in this window.

Scene: The adjustable screen for your scene, which can also select object if visible.

Game: It shows the current angle of view from your Camera object, which is the screen your game will reveal.

Inspector: Where you can adjust all the setting of your game object.

Project: The whole view of your project. It contains all the element and resources within your project.

Console: The system log of error or warning will show here. It can also be used for debugging.

After the basic windows, there are some tools at the top left of editor are all the fundamentals to control game objects:

Hand tool, Move tool, Rotate tool, Scale tool, and Rec tool
  • Hand tool: Allow to move game object freely.
  • Move tool: Can move object with any axis or any flat with 2 axis.
  • Rotate tool: Can rotate object by the ring based on the axis.
  • Scale tool: Can scale the object by the axis.
  • Rec tool: Adjust the UI element which reveal in 2D.
You can switch tools fast by using hotkeys: QWERTY

That’s all for the Unity interface.



S.J. Jason Liu

A passionate gamer whose goal is to work in video game development.